Offsite SEO Strategies

Don’t try to improve your website’s reputation by buying links or deliberately sharing links. Google has become very good at detecting these types of manipulative measures. It means that you risk falling heavily down in the rankings and it can destroy much of what you have spent time and money on creating. People buy from businesses they trust, not businesses that publish low quality, untrustworthy content. 95% of the U.S. Internet browsing population accesses search engines each month. Furthermore, the U.S. online population makes an average of 37 search engine visits per person per month. During the life of any website pages come and go. It’s perfectly normal to remove a page, but what can frustrate visitors is finding their journey blocked by a dead page. Worse, a page that is removed loses any importance a search engine has given it. Remember that your success in SEO is directly proportional to the amount of effort you exert.

Is Keyword Research an important player in the game of SEO?

The search engines are always trying to improve the quality of their results and because of this, the ranking signals are adjusted daily. In most cases these are very minor tweaks, but they are changes nonetheless. Another one of the best SEO tactics creates even more links to your site to improve your SEO. Local SEO practices and building profiles on business directories can build online authority for your brand and make a bigger digital footprint for your website. Once you’ve done a thorough analysis of your chances to rank on a specific term, the next step is to write an amazing article and optimize it accordingly. And hit publish. The days of buying, selling, and trading links for rankings is long gone…and if you try to bring it back, you will be long gone as well. Search Console shows your average position for each of the keywords you rank for and how many impressions and clicks this brings you.

Google Identifies CTR and User Experience as Major Ranking Factors

Google wants to see that you have a legitimate site with legitimate traffic. This means your content needs to be stellar. After conducting some keyword research around those phrases, settle on the ones that have a good search volume and are as specific as possible. The more specific a key phrase, the more likely a customer is to convert as they are able to find exactly what they have been searching for on your website. Content marketing has always been crucial but it is no longer enough to research several industry keywords, place them on your blog and rely on affiliate network to post links back to your site. You can read an onsite SEO beginners guide here. Your headline is among the first things that users will come across when carrying out a search. This makes them important, and it’s useful to brainstorm as many variations as you can until you land on the best candidate. In short, you need to paint a vivid, unique picture of your product by not only describing it, but by answering the standard who, what, when, where and why questions.

Featured snippet opportunities

We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Creating incredible content that people will want to share is still the best way to earn links." SEO and user experience (UX) go together. A solid SEO strategy based on careful analytics analysis will boost your website’s search results rankings which will result in more eyes seeing your website. A good user experience will lead to more users visiting, staying on and converting on your website. If your motive was only to cross link your website and that is why you have created websites, do not forget that search engines are smart. They will get to know that and will penalize you for the same. If your site is cross linked with no outside links, then you might be punished by Google. Once upon a time, marketers focused on strategizing which keywords to place across their web presence in order to increase their rankings in a search engine results page (SERP). Engage in guest blogging outreach and provide content to sites that share your audience to build links that will provide long-term SEO value.

Google is aware that paid linking goes on

Off-page SEO factors are as important as on-page SEO factors. To have a successful SEO optimisation, both should be done. Earlier it was still easy to rank by building spammy links but, after the penguin and panda updates, its much difficult. Off-Page SEO is made up of everything away from your site that you technically can’t control (although, you can influence) and affects how Google sees your page (particularly how authoritative and trustworthy it sees your page). SEO closely aligns with so many marketing channels, business decisions and user behaviour that the potential your website will be 100% optimised is slim, to nil. Once you are done with cleaning up all the toxic backlinks pointing to your site, you need to file a reconsideration request with Google. This has to be polite and detailed, stating that you admit the mistakes you have committed, explaining the steps that you took to correct the same and promising to use nothing, but best practices for link building and SEO. Bad content truly can do long-lasting damage to your website, brand and business.

Mobile and SEO

Anyone with a site that provides useful content and has the right network can now drive organic traffic. Internal links can help you prove your authority in a particular field by creating a logical sequence from one post to the other. This may lead to a series of posts that offer additional value, making it easier for search engines to understand your key topics. SEO – an acronym that can strike fear into website owners! Why? Because having an attractive website is just a first step. Beauty is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder and your visitors will be looking for an attractive and informative web site. Search Engines, however look for different things. Webpages on HTTPS had positive correlation with higher rankings. There are many subtle nuances to the mechanics of semantic search, but ultimately what it means for you is that an authoritative page that dives into one specific topic in-depth will usually rank better than dozens of pages built around different keywords.