Keyword Placement Matters, Not Frequency

Audit links back to your website and make sure they’re primarily from trustworthy, reputable websites. Metadata is what appears on search engine result pages (SERPs) when a website comes up for certain queries. It includes the title of the page and its meta description. Know where and how to use keywords in your content for maximum searchability. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a specialized form of content writing that can be extremely effective in boosting the amount of traffic that comes to your website via search engines, like Google and Bing. The Internet is all about trends — what works phenomenally well to improve SEO one year, might fall flat the next. SEO isn’t a one-and-done type deal. It requires constant updating, tweaking, experimenting and testing. And with SEO being one of the highest returning investments you’ll make for your website, you’ll want to constantly measure its success to maintain powerful results.

Website Performance Factors Influence Search Engine Rankings

Search engines also assess, in great detail, the technical aspects of your website. For example, how quickly the site loads plays a major role in your website ranking. Search engines also take into account how accessible your server is. Because, ultimately, Google and other search engines want to provide the best possible search results. So, the aim is to guide visitors to sites which work well, and which can always be accessed and used. Do not copy another site’s content without asking permission first. It’s bad for you, the site you’re copying from and the reader too. Engage in guest blogging outreach and provide content to sites that share your audience to build links that will provide long-term SEO value. HTTPS secures the connection to the website you are visiting. I’m sure you have seen this in action; look at the address bar in the browser and find the lock icon on the left-hand side. Is the lock closed? Then the connection is secure. Without considering a search engine user's intent, you will attract too much unqualified traffic.

Web 2.0 indexing - is it right for you?

Content strategy and execution is a discipline in its own right. If you are looking to build a genuinely compelling brand experience shortcuts cannot be taken. Once upon a time, marketers focused on strategizing which keywords to place across their web presence in order to increase their rankings in a search engine results page (SERP). Social signals aren’t an important part of the Google algorithm. But social shares on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ may give you an indirect rankings boost. How do you add content to Google? Unlike some aspects of the mysterious Quality Score “secret sauce,” we know that Google takes landing page relevance into account when calculating Quality Score In the same way that it takes time to improve your SEO rankings with improvements built up over time, the reverse is true for when you stop optimising your website. At first, your rankings will continue as before but over time you’ll notice that your website rankings will start to drop. Algorithm updates, competitor improvements and loss of links will all negatively impact on your rankings and put you back to square one.

Optimize Your Site Page Around One Keyword or Topic

Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "Your website’s health will not only impact your SEO results but will also have a hand in how well you’re able to convert your traffic." It’s possible to rank number one for many keywords that have no real ROI. Instead, you should focus on metrics that bring conversions. Cloaking is when you present different content or URLs to your visitors than you do to the search engines. Along those lines, a “sneaky” redirect is when site owners “embed a link in JavaScript that redirects the user to a different page with the intent to show the user a different page than the search engine sees… The Internet is a complex place that houses billions of websites, documents, apps, you name it, and search engines help link all the information together like a giant spider web – everything’s connected! The two biggest algorithm changes that Google released to ward off the abuse of link building included the Panda and Penguin updates, which came out in 2011 and 2012, respectively (and received regular updates ever since). One cracked down on websites with poor quality content and the other penalized websites conducting spammy link building efforts.

Don't over-do a particular element

It’s not as easy to make a site easy to crawl as you might desire. There is an immense difference between a 10-page Website and a 10,000,000-page Website. The search engine will determine how many pages it crawls and how often it crawls each page. The SEO specialist’s job is to give the search engine as many reasons to crawl a page as possible. In other words, search engine optimization works by managing and improving crawl. Use internal links with clear and informative anchor text. Don’t forget to tell Google your site is mobile-proof. You can add a viewport declaration – if you’re using responsive design – or a Vary header when using dynamic serving. Users searching for your site on Google might not necessarily want to land on your homepage. Sitelinks on the SERP provide them with a direct link to other parts of your site which might be more relevant to them. Keyword research can be time-consuming, but rewarding when done properly.

Add Modifiers to Title

While search engine bots are scanning websites for indexing purposes, they also look for links to other websites. The more high-quality inbound links the website has, the greater its link authority. In theory, every inbound link counts as a positive recommendation for a website. However, it is not the quantity of inbound links that plays the biggest role for search engines; it’s quality. Information Architecture allows people and search engines to better understand the content structure on a site. If you tried to optimize an article for a certain keyword, but it’s getting more traffic for a different variation of that keyword, then go back in and re-optimize it for the new keyword. Nothing is worse than arriving to a site and finding content with keywords strategically (and awkwardly) positioned throughout. Links help search engines connect the relevancy of a page with specific keywords -- based on the keywords that are used in a link’s anchor text.