Have a Fast Load Time

You should track the traffic, engagement, conversion rates and page visits for your mobile strategy separately than those of your desktop strategy. Who wants to get a 404 page after clicking on a link? Broken links make for bad usability. Not only that, search engines consider a large number of broken links as a signal of an old, neglected site and this can impact your SEO ranking. In the earlier days of SEO, sending out press releases with keyword optimized anchor texts would get you a dozens of backlinks. In some fortunate cases, this would even make your site crawl to the top positions on SERPs. So, eventually Press releases became a tactic to build links and rank high. SEO isn’t something you learn overnight. If you want to perform your own SEO, you need to educate yourself. I’ve spent almost fifteen years learning about SEO and I’m thankful I did because I feel each hour of learning has paid itself back over and over again. Links don't matter that much for ranking in the Featured Snippet when you already rank on page one of Google.

Spiders and bots, oh my!

The searches that people make online are related to certain words or phrases. Because you want your webpage to be the answer or solution to their search query, your page needs to be built with this phrase or word in mind. Millions of businesses and individuals are competing for visibility in search engines, and many of them are writing what is, subjectively, “good” content. But what makes that content “good”? Most people look at SEO the wrong way. They look at ways to do the least amount of work for the greatest initial return, when in fact, it's quite the opposite. Keywords are single words, or more commonly strings of words, that represent the content of a web page and how people ask for web content. Keywords are strategically selected by optimizers and are intended to help your web content communicate in a way that resonates with humans and Google search spiders. Good quality takes time to create. It takes time to implement. And it takes time for Google to acknowledge that quality.

Navigation affects conversions

Many marketers are so focused on building out site hierarchy, wireframing and design of the site that they lose site of content development. SEO is a huge part of content development, but when content becomes an afterthought during web redesign, and the focus is on getting the new site live ASAP, often times marketers will put the content together without deliberate thought to keyword inclusion and smart SEO content strategies. Use long tail keywords that are very specific to your business to target a particular audience. These phrases epitomize the true essence of your business without coinciding with other related companies. They also provide you with a chance to score high on a search query most pertinent to your products or services. Make sure to evaluate your articles in the SERPs. Google the terms you’ve optimized your articles for. Check whether or not your SEO is paying off! Anchor text diversification is all about not having the text links. Google prefers fresh content. An older page that’s regularly updated may outperform a newer page. Part of the reason data and research work well as cornerstone content is because they’re versatile. You can repurpose your original research into all the other types of content.

Use dynamically generated page titles for database-driven websites

According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Creating evergreen content is as simple as staying away from topics that no one will care about in the foreseeable future, and focusing on keyword research." Browse your own site for a while and try to click on every button, image and link to see what happens. Is everything working as expected? SEO and SEM tactics are not disappearing any time soon, so why not use them to your advantage? There are a lot of people using search engines to look for what you have to offer, and in the area you are offering them in. Human users are already intrigued by your title; all that’s left to do is entice them to clickthrough with your meta description. A meta description is information, more in depth than your title, that will let users know what to expect when they visit your page. Write great title tags. Good title tags should be like an interesting newspaper headline but with relevant keywords included.

Canvas your competitors

As a general rule of thumb the more words in the query the easier it is to rank for that phrase. This is certainly not an absolute but has been the case for a majority of the terms I have worked with. *If you know of examples where this theory does not hold up, please share in the comments. In the era of internet, where approximately three billion people on this earth have access to the internet and approximately one billion websites are in existence and nothing is worst than decelerated loading website. Consequently, web users have become habitual to short attention spans and they switch to another website when the current website loads too slowly. There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter SEO plan, and for this, all parties on the SEO bandwagon should rejoice. Link building is definitely one of the most important aspects of SEO strategy. But, finding good sites to comment on might be a daunting task. You may begin with top-level, aggregate numbers, but you must drill down into specific pages that can improve products, services, and business sales.

Find a site that’s relevant to your audience

Meta tags are pieces of HTML code that can be added to the section of your web pages. Beyond the page title, the two most popular Meta tags are Meta Description tag and Meta Keyword There are some conflicting views about whether or not to use Meta tags and whether they actually help your search engine positioning. Regardless of whether or not it helps with your search engine positioning, you should use the Meta Description tag because this is what frequently appears below your website URL in the search engine results pages (SERPS). Remember, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to optimization strategies. For the most part, you’ll be relying on trial and error to pinpoint what works and what doesn’t for your brand. Search engines like aged domains, and give them more authority over newer sites. Keyword research is still useful when trying to decide on the most interesting topics for your audience. Keywords can still be part of your content, provided that they are added in context and at the right balance. There’s no need to sacrifice the quality of your content to include more keywords, as keyword stuffing can lead to the opposite of the result you want. Backlinks are the foundation of Google's algorithm for determining a site’s page rank.